A greeting card you make yourself can be more meaningful to the recipient and just as attractive as any store-bought greeting card if you apply a few simple desktop publishing and design principles. In considering different types of greeting cards, the most basic decision is do you want a humorous card or a serious card? For nearly any occasion with the exception of condolence cards, you'll have that choice.
If the card you wish to get will be serious, there are subcategories here as well. Heartfelt greeting cards that sound as though you sat down and wrote your innermost thoughts; cards with rhyming poetry; or religious cards, conveying the message in a tone of spirituality. For a completely different type of greeting card, you can choose handmade cards individually packaged in cellophane with the envelope. These cards are highly artistic, normally cost a little more, and are usually found at bookstores. They are generally blank inside. However, if you aren't good at writing you can always buy a second greeting card that says something nice inside, then paste the second card inside of the first. When you open the homemade card, you'll see the inside of the second card. Just make sure the second card is smaller so you don't have to cut it, as it will look better that way. There are different types of greeting cards for every occasion. Birthday (including specialty milestone cards and belated), wedding, new-baby, anniversary, graduation, bar mitzvah, first communion, get well cards, retirement, congratulations (could be for a new job, new home, or any personal accomplishment), apologies, friendship, I-miss-you, romantic, Christmas card and of course holiday cards including Mother's Day and Father's Day.
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